Life Learner Groups

  For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

Matthew 18:20 NIV

A Life Learner (small) group is a gathering of people (typically less than 20), who meet for study and prayer, while also forming relationships within the larger church body. Small Groups are best thought of as a springboard to create discipleship opportunities.

Currently Meeting


9:45am; Group Facilitator: Barry Durden

9:45am; Group Facilitator: Mark Masters


10:30 am-Noon/Community Rm (downstairs); Group Facilitator: Rick Williamson 


– 4pm; Group Facilitator: Grief Share


Men’s Bible Study  8am/Rm 209; Group Facilitator: George Reed 

Women’s Bible Study  9:30am am/Sanctuary; Group Facilitator: Nancy Rice Hill

Evening Men’s Bible  7PM/Virtual; Group Facilitator: Max Stanley


-11:00am; Group Facilitator: Scott Tinsley