First Timer

 thanks for being here.
If you would like us to pray for you, click here.

What’s our story?

Are you looking for a church home? Our church launched January 26, 2003.  On November 9, 2008, ground was broken at the site for construction of a multi-purpose church building. We first worshiped in our 15,000 sq. ft. building on December 13, 2009. The building was consecrated on February 28, 2010, and our congregation chartered on September 26. 2010. Originally part of the United Methodist Church, Ponte Vedra Church voted to disaffiliate from the UMC, and on September 22, 2023, our church became part of the Congregational Methodist Church.

What if I want to check you out online first?

We get that it can be stressful to go to a new church for the first time. If you’d like to get a feel for our worship services before you come, you can watch our streaming services on Facebook or on YouTube.

When do you worship?

We are currently worshiping in person 11 am with a Combined service. We also livestream the 11am service on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

We also have many small groups that meet throughout the week, allowing you to deepen your relationship with Christ while strengthening your bonds within the Church.

What do I wear?

Come as you are! Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. You will see all types of attire on Sunday mornings, ranging from full suits to jeans and t-shirts.

Where do I go?

We are located in Palm Valley, just over the bridge from Nocatee, at 76 S Roscoe Blvd; we are the church with the pond and fountain out front! You can enter through the set of double doors, which will lead you to the lobby and Sanctuary. We have friendly greeters at the entrance and the welcome table. Let them know that you are a first-time guest, and they will be happy to send you in the right direction.

What about the kids & youth?

We have several service options for both elementary children and youth. Visit our children & youth page to learn more. Or contact Taylor Hall with questions!

What about….?

  • WiFi – While in the building free WiFi is available to you. Just click within your smart device settings on the “PVC Guest” network.
  • Offering – Please know there is no expectation for you to give. More than anything, we want you to experience the love and presence of Jesus and take the time to get to know us as a church family. During Sunday worship services ushers pass offering plates across the rows. This an ideal time to place your Connect Card in as one passes. We consider this your gift to us, letting us get to know you so we may send you a welcome note.
  • Quiet Room -this space is accessed via the lobby. There you will find a quiet retreat for yourself or your child. There is a large window opening to the Sanctuary, so you can still participate in services with us.