Children's Ministry
Childcare (Infancy through VPK)
A nursery room is available for children through from infancy through PreK/VPK during all Sunday morning activities and other church-wide events.
The nursery is staffed by trained, committed, paid workers who provide excellent care of the children entrusted to us.
Kingdom Kids (Kindergarten through 5th grade)
We are currently providing “Kingdom Kids” lessons in person during our 11:00am service. We also have many archived lessons on our YouTube channel. We are in need of volunteers for Sunday mornings. If you would like to serve, you can email Taylor Hall at [email protected] for more information.
We offer many special events throughout the year. These include missions, movie/game nights, Vacation Bible School, and more!
If you are interested in volunteering or finding out more about events for children and youth,
check our calendar or contact Taylor Hall at [email protected].